Divers Decompression Chambers
Decompression chambers serve as a tool for divers to adjust their bodies to normal surface pressure without the risk of long underwater decompression. Recompression chambers are used to treat divers for diving disorders, or when they develop decompression sickness.
Oxytech standard decompression chambers come with two compartments, the main lock and entry lock. Oxytech manufactures the following fully equipped Diving Chambers.
Diver Decompression Chambers
Containerized Diving Chambers
Transportable Diving Chambers
Diving Panel
Medical Grade Compression Gas System
Communication System
Video Monitoring System
Video Recording
Medical Lock
02 & CO2 Gas Analyzers
02 & CO2 Monitoring
Air Conditioner
Oxygen Mask & Hood
Hyperbaric Lights
CO2 Scrubber
Temperature & Humidity Sensors
Hyperbaric Fire Extinguishers
Oxygen Storage Cylinders
High Pressure air Storage Cylinders
High Pressure air Compressor
Spare Penetrators
Medical Lock
Pressure Gauge
Caisson Gauge
Working Pressure: 2.0 – 10.0 bar
Main Chamber Human Capacity: 4 - 20 patients
Paint: Non-Toxic Water Resistant
Material: Pressure Vessel Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminium
Standards: EN 14931, ASME PVHO-1, 2014/68/EU, 97/23/EC, ASME SEC VII Division.1, EN 93/42 EEC , IMCA D Series